Posts Tagged ‘brussels


Them Fightin Belgians

Today was a beautiful day here in Brussels. Went to the beer museum. It was kind of a rip-off, to be honest, but there was good beer at the end so it kind of evened out. After that C and I went to a beer tasting which was SO good. We also spent a fair bit of time gorging on waffles with creme, chocolate and fruit toppings.  We also spent a few moments people watching in the Grand-Place (referred to by Victor Hugo as the “most beautiful square in the world”)

While we were at a mall/supermarket shopping for dinner, we set down to rest a moment on a bench. Next thing I know two guys behind us are taking turns punching eachother in the face. I quickly deduced it was not some form of Belgian drinking game due to the lack of alchohol present nearby. (just like sherlock holmes)

After years of living on the mean streets of the suburbs; my reflexes are honed to that of a jungle cat.  Thinking quickly I shoved C toward the danger while I beat a tactical retreat. (discression is the better part of valor)

Ok, I didnt shove my wife toward two fighting hooligans but it is more entertaining then what we actually did, which was to grab up our waffle and beer laden bellies and waddle away.

Tomorrow we are on to Luxembourg and then Paris.