Archive for January, 2010


Sick of movie sequels.

I’m sick of movie sequels.

You know any movie that makes more then two pesos in profit is probably going to have one.

Because of this you know that any important character is not going to die, or even change very much.   It seems like every other movie franchise that comes out is a trilogy.  Am I the only one that thinks that not every story line is strong enough to carry through a whole trilogy?

Every movie has to leave the option for a sequel to be made.  This means that the story never gets fully resolved.  The bad guys (or the good guys, if the movie is trying to be ‘edgy’) always escape with enough resources to make a come back in the next movie.  Its simply lazy movie making.

One thing I enjoyed about Japanese TV shows- they generally have a real story arc to them.  There are some dramas that have been running for years and have predictable, and never ending plots.  But many of the dramas are intended to only last a single season.

Besides the show “Life one Mars” I can’t think of any show that was intended to last one season.

Also Showtime’s “Dexter”- each season has a story arc, and there are real consequences in terms of the story.  As opposed to a show like ‘Lost’ where after several seasons, the characters are still running around saying ‘man, this is one weird island!’

I read today that the movie ‘District 9’ will likely have a sequel made.  While the movie was o.k. does it  need a sequel?  No.  Will it feel tacked on and irrelevant?  Probably.


Shutting down an airport

So two fighter jets were launched in order to respond to a drunk on a plane in a bathroom.

Not entirely sure how the fighter pilots were supposed to remove said drunk from the can, though.

Not too long ago an entire airport was shut down due to some honey.

I have no idea how much it costs to launch a fighter aircraft or shut down an airport, but I imagine that it isint cheap.  Meanwhile, Nigerians carrying bombs manage to slip through airport security in the Netherlands.   So we CAN find honey or a guy who can’t handle his booze.  We are apparently willing to submit to being virtually strip searched every time we get on a plane.  Are we one bit safer then we were before?

Why aren’t people pissed off about this?

Effective counter terror measures have been developed, but America is too wrapped up in political correctness to implement them.  The TSA may be making some positive changes, but the scanners are still going to be installed.

At this rate, we will have to fly in hospital gowns in a couple of years.


All new Bi-annual update!

Yeah its been more then a while since my last post.  It turns out that changing damn near everything in your life is a little more time consuming then I expected.

Things aren’t exactly roses now, either.

What have I been doing the past two years?

We changed hemispheres and country of residence.

I went back to school, crammed a couple years worth of classes into three semesters.

Applied for and was accepted to a couple different professional programs.

Accepted the spot in the program I felt was the best fit, and we moved another few thousand miles.

Finished my first semester there, and made the dean’s list to boot. (12.5% done!)

I also helped my wife adjust to living in a new country, where almost no one speaks her native language.  (Not as easy it sounds, trust me.)

Adopted and rehabilitated a severely abused dog.  (Also not as easy as it sounds.)

So yeah, I’ve been busy.

I’m going to try to post regularly, but I make no promises, on my list of responsibilities, this is bottom on the list.  I’m sure the few regular readers I had before this have long since stopped coming anyhow.  So I will see how this goes.