Posts Tagged ‘donation


This November 5th fundraiser for Ron Paul

Watching the donations come in for Ron Paul on the website ronpaulgraphs is addictive. More then 18,000 people pledged to donate $100 today to the Ron Paul campaign. After the first hour, there has been over $138,000 in donations. I would expect, there are many people like me who plan to donate but did not sign up on the website.

If the donations continue at anywhere near this pace, we are looking at 2-3 million or even more.

Now comes the next, and arguably more important part of this fundraiser- getting media attention to show that Ron Paul is no longer a “second tier” candidate and that he has a huge base of supporters.

If you have not yet donated, please do so at

edit to add: at 9:40 a.m. EST The donations broke $1,000,000 and we still have more then fourteen hours to go!