Posts Tagged ‘boston tea party


Ron Paul Fundraiser- This December 16th

It is shaping up that the Ron Paul campaign will break its own record.

The first major grassroots organized fundraiser- set a new record with $4 million raised online in a single 24 hour period. Roughly 18,000 people pledged to donate $100 at . On the actual day, there were over 38,000 donations, the vast majority of which were from first time donors. It proved that Ron Paul`s support is both widespread and growing.

The next major fundraiser- this november did a very impressive $200,000. It did not have the massive support that did, but I believe that due to their proximity the two fundraisers stepped on each others toes, so to speak. Also it did not have the time to build support that the previous fundraiser did. It was still a very significant amount raised on a single day less then one week after a massive, record breaking day.

Another major grass-roots organized fund raiser is shaping up to take place on December 16th. You history buffs out there will remember that December 16th is the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party- keeping in line with the Ron Paul`s rEVOLutionary campaign theme.Launched on November 8th there are, at the time of this writing there are 11,779 pledges to donate $100 on December 16th. That is about 2,000 people signing up every day. If Ron Paul`s supporters come through like they did on Nov 5th, there is no doubt in my mind that this will be another record breaking day for the Ron Paul campaign.

There is still more then a month to build support – if it is anything like the first fundraiser it will blow the roof off of the Ron Paul campaigns previous record.

If you want to sign up to donate you can do so at

You can track Ron Paul`s fundraising progress at

Or you can go ahead and donate at the official campaign website-